HMO privacy notice

Privacy notice: houses of multiple occupation (HMO)

When you submit an application for a house of multiple occupation, the information collected will be held by the Housing Services Team at Central Bedfordshire Council.

Central Bedfordshire Council will be the data controller in relation to the information that you submit.

Why we process this data

The details relating to your application and information you supply us with is used to determine whether your application is valid and can be approved.

Relevant details will be published on the public register for HMOs as required by Section 232 of the Housing Act 2004.

Our legal basis for processing this data is that it is necessary for us to fulfil our statutory obligations (article 6(e) of the UK General Data Protection Regulation).

Who do we share your information with?

Your information may be shared with:

  • our planning and building control teams in relation to the application and as required for them to carry out their functions
  • the Bedfordshire Fire Service in relation to the application and as required for it in relation to its duties
  • other organisations such as other local councils as part of our joint approach to ensuring that only fit and proper people are licensed to own or manage houses in multiple occupation
  • shared with central government as may be required by it from time to time
  • other relevant teams within the Council, and other bodies administering public funds or involved in the prevention, detection, and enforcement of criminal acts

How long will information be kept?

Information on registered houses of multiple occupation is retained for 7 years from the date the registration expires.

Your rights

More information about your rights in relation to the information about you which is held by councillors or the Council, and who to contact if you have any concerns, can be found in our main privacy notice.