Roads strategies

Highways asset management

We maintain a vast network of roads, over 1,400km in total, together with a large footway network. In addition to this, our highways team maintains over 220 bridges and structures, 23,000 streetlights, pedestrian crossings, drainage, traffic lights, and signs on the road network. Our team also manages improvement schemes including speed limits, traffic calming measures, and parking services. We also look after other public rights of way, such as footpaths and bridleways.

The asset management policy and strategy are at the heart of highways investment planning, budget setting, and delivery of our highways and transportation service:

View or download the Highways Asset Information Strategy (PDF)
View or download our Highways Asset Management Policy (PDF)
View or download our Highways Asset Management Framework (PDF)
View or download our Highway Asset Management Strategy (PDF)
View or download our Highways Communications Strategy (Word)
View or download our tree policy (PDF)

Network Management Maintenance Plan

We have a statutory duty to maintain the public highway to a reasonably safe standard. In order to comply with this duty, we have developed the Central Bedfordshire Highways Maintenance Plan. This sets out how the highway will be maintained and how complaints and repairs will be dealt with.

View or download our Network Management Maintenance Plan (PDF)

Rights of way maintenance

Public rights of way form part of the highway network. As a highway authority, we have a statutory responsibility to assert and protect the rights of the public to use the highway network, of which public paths are an important part.

Active Travel Fund schemes

We have been successful in being allocated funding for walking and cycling infrastructure improvements as part of tranche 2 of the government’s Active Travel Fund. This funding will help to implement measures to improve conditions and promote walking and cycling.

View or download our Active Travel Fund consultation plan (PDF)

New Network North highway maintenance funding

Central Bedfordshire Additional Highway Maintenance, made possible by reallocated HS2 funding.

The Prime Minister's Network North announcement on 4 October 2023 included a commitment to an additional £8.3 billion for local highway maintenance from 2023 to 2024 and 2033 to 2034. This was over and above what local authorities were expecting to receive.

The funding uplift is to help ensure the impact of increased highway maintenance is truly transformational for local communities and road users up and down the country.

View or download the funding report (Word)