Apply for an industrial emissions / LAPPC permit
You can find out if you need a permit (link opens in new window) from GOV.UK (Schedule 1 Part 2 to the EP Regulations). Helpful guidance can be found in Defra’s General Guidance Manual (link opens in new window).
What type of permit do you need: Part A1, A2 or B?
To determine which permit you need, we need to understand what you're planning to do.
Where several activities from different parts of Schedule 1 are carried out at an installation, the installation will be permitted according to the highest common denominator. So if Part A1, A2 and Part B activities are carried out, it would be permitted as a Part A1 and therefore be granted by the Environment Agency.
If you're not sure which applies to you, please send us an email to or give us a call on 0300 300 8302.
Application forms
General Part B application form (PDF 182.4KB)
Part B dry cleaners application form (PDF 179.5KB)

Part B service station (petrol station) application form (PDF 240.6KB)

Part B crushing and screening in a mobile plant (PDF 233.8KB)

Please email completed forms to or post to:
Pollution team
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ
Telephone: 0300 300 8302
Existing permit holders
Varying a permit
If the process operator decides to make a change in the operation of the installation, we shall be notified within 14 days prior to making the change. If the proposed change requires any environmental permit conditions to be varied, an application for variation will have to be made.
Part B application to vary a permit form
(PDF 243KB)
Transferring a permit
Before an environmental permit can be wholly or partially transferred to another person, a joint application to transfer the Environmental Permit has to be made by both the existing and proposed holders. We shall be notified in writing 14 days prior to any change in the operator’s trading name, registered name or registered company address.
Part B application to transfer a permit form
(PDF 246.9KB)
Surrendering a permit
Before an environmental permit can be surrendered, the permit hold has to notify us.
Part B notification of surrender of permit form
(PDF 231.6KB)
What to include in an application
Applications should give all the information we need to make a determination. If an operator fails to do this, we may have to request additional information, delaying the determination. This may also mean that the application is not ‘duly made’ in accordance with paragraph 2 of Schedule 5 to the EP Regulations. This means that it cannot be accepted as valid. The determination period within which the application should be decided does not begin until the application has been duly made.
An application is not treated as duly made when, for instance:
- it has not been submitted on a standard form (or all necessary parts of such a form have not been completed)
- it is for an installation that falls outside the remit of the LAPPC (or LA-IPPC) regimes
- it has been sent to the wrong regulator
- it has not addressed some key points, or there is substantial and obvious doubt over the basic adequacy of a key part of the application
- declarations have not been completed
- the operator is not a legal entity
- the necessary fee has not been paid
If your application isn't successful
If we don't consider the application to be duly made, it will be returned, along with any fee and the reason(s) why this conclusion was reached.
We will use normal standards of reasonableness and common sense to assess whether applications are duly made. For example, where non-critical information is missing, it may be appropriate for us to hold the application in abeyance until the information is submitted. This enables the application to be treated as duly made and the determination period to begin once the additional information has been supplied.
We'll make a decision within 4 months from the date the application was duly made (however dry cleaner applications are required to be determined within 3 months).
All applications for new permits (except for mobile plant, dry cleaners and service stations) are required to undergo a public consultation and consultees can make representations regarding it. These representations will be taken into account in deciding to grant the permit and if any additional conditions need to be attached.
Environmental Permitting (England and Wales) Regulations 2010 and its processors are made under the Pollution Prevention and Control Act 1999.