Electric vehicle charging: guidance for new developments - Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)

Electric vehicle charging guidance

Electric vehicle charging within Central Bedfordshire

We are committed to tackling climate change and making Central Bedfordshire more sustainable. Our 2050 Vision seeks opportunities to develop cleaner and greener modes of travel. It also supports the creation of an electric vehicle (EV) charging network which will help to make electric vehicles more accessible and reduce the carbon impact of travel in Central Bedfordshire. Our sustainability plan recognises the significant benefits of electric vehicles, particularly in relation to air quality, public health, and the reduction of carbon emissions.

Read more about our approach to electric vehicle charging in Central Bedfordshire.

Electric vehicle charging: guidance for new developments

The use of electric vehicles in Central Bedfordshire and the demand for charging infrastructure is increasing, and the majority of our residents will need access to electric vehicle charging points in close proximity to their homes. We need to make sure the necessary infrastructure is provided to promote the use of electric vehicles to help meet our sustainability commitments.

We have created the Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Development Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) (PDF). This SPD sets out the requirements for electric vehicle charging points to be provided for all new developments in Central Bedfordshire and provides guidance on the types, design, layout and standards of electric vehicle charging, as well as the information that developers are required to provide at the planning application stage.

We adopted this SPD on 6 December 2022 and it is a material consideration in determining planning applications. All development proposals will be required to demonstrate that they have taken it into consideration.

View Consultation Statement (PDF, December 2022)

View equality impact assessment (PDF)

View Adoption Statement (PDF, December 2022)