Determination by Office of the Schools Adjudicator regarding Flitwick Lower School change of age range
A statutory notice was published on 20 January 2020 to begin a statutory consultation for a a proposed change of age range for Flitwick Lower School, from 4 to 9 years to 2 to 9 years, in order to enable a merger between the lower school and Busy Bees pre-school.
The Department for Education requires a proposed significant change for a maintained school to be determined by us, within 2 calendar months of the closure of the statutory consultation. Due to the current pandemic, meetings had to be re-arranged and it was not possible to meet this requirement.
A meeting was eventually held on 20 May 2020 for our Executive Member for Families, Education and Children to consider and determine the change. The change was approved (read the report and the record of decision).
In view of the lateness of the decision, we were required to refer the proposal to the Office of the Schools Adjudicator for determination.
Notification was received from the Office of the Schools Adjudicator, on Friday 12 June 2020, that the change of age range for Flitwick Lower School had been approved. Read the determination.
We will now work with Flitwick Lower School and Busy Bees pre-school to facilitate the change.