Regulation of Housing Enforcement

Consultation closed: 5pm on Friday, 1 Feburary 2019

Consultation report

You can now download the results of the recent consultation (link opens in new window).

About the consultation

We are reviewing our Policy to Regulate Private Sector Housing Standards in light of recent legislation that enables us as a local housing authority to use additional powers to enforce housing standards.

These additional duties and powers include:

  • issuing financial penalties as an alternative to prosecution
  • a new definition of licensable Houses in Multiple Occupation
  • the power to add a landlord to the Rogue Landlords database
  • additional offences where Rent Repayment Orders can be made
  • banning orders to ban landlords from being a landlord

There are a small number of discretionary elements within these policies, which means that sections of the policy can be localised to Central Bedfordshire Council.

Therefore, we are seeking the views of landlords, tenants and other stakeholders who may have an interest in this.

Additional information

Procedure for Establishing Level of Financial Penalty under Housing and Planning Act 2016 (PDF 177.1KB)

FAQs - Regulation of Housing Enforcement (PDF 104.6KB)