Have your say – Local Cycling and Walking Infrastructure Plans (LCWIPs)
Consultation closed: Thursday 14 December 2023
Consultation opened: Wednesday 1 November 2023
This consultation is closed.
What happens next?
The consultation ran for 6 weeks and closed on Thursday 14 December 2023. Your feedback will be considered by our Executive Committee in April 2024.
With regard to a rural routes LCWIP, this will be developed following public engagement events in 2024/2025, with a separate consultation to follow.
Once we've formally adopted the LCWIPs, we will seek funding to make the changes. The changes will take place over a period of several years. Funding will come from us and Active Travel England/Department for Transport.
We will consult on the designs of each individual scheme when we know funding is available to deliver them. The comments from the earlier engagement and this consultation will also be considered at the design stage.
Once all LCWIPs are adopted, the whole network for Central Bedfordshire will be published and users can continue to leave feedback on the network to highlight issues and opportunities.
Each LCWIP will be reviewed within 3 years from the date of adoption. This presents an opportunity to update stakeholders on the progress made in developing the network, to review routes and to consider any feedback received.
If you require a paper copy, alternative format or support to participate, email begreen@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or call customer services on 0300 300 8301. Paper copies of the consultation document, including maps, are available to view in our libraries.
Comments on the consultation document or Commonplace may also be submitted via email to begreen@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk or by post to:
Freepost RSJS GBBZ SRZT (you don't need a stamp)
LCWIP consultation
Central Bedfordshire Council
Priory House
Monks Walk
SG17 5TQ