Have your say on draft parking standards for new developments
Consultation closed: 10am, Thursday 5 January 2023
Consultation opened: 10am, Tuesday 8 November 2022
We consulted on our draft Parking Standards for New Developments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD).
View or download our draft parking standards SPD (PDF)
What is the Parking Standards for New Developments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)?
The Parking Standards for New Developments SPD sets out the number of parking spaces required for different types of vehicles in both residential and commercial developments, as well as giving more comprehensive guidance on the types of parking that should and shouldn’t be provided.
A well-planned and managed approach to parking can help make our local communities better places to live, work and visit whilst helping deliver our commitment to tackling climate change. One of the ways in which we can make a positive difference is through effective parking provision for all vehicle types in new developments. We want to encourage more walking and cycling for shorter journeys, and for longer journeys encourage more sustainable options such as using public transport. Ensuring that routes are attractive and useable for pedestrians and cyclists is key to achieving this. Providing sufficient parking for all types of vehicles so that parked vehicles do not dominate the street scene or prevent access for pedestrians and cyclists is therefore very important.
What is a supplementary planning document (SPD)?
A supplementary planning document (SPD) is a document that builds upon and provides more detailed guidance on policies adopted in our local plan. The current version of our local plan was adopted in July 2021.
Our local plan is the key strategic planning document for Central Bedfordshire which guides and supports the delivery of new infrastructure, homes, and jobs. It sets out the long-term vision and objectives for the area, what is going to happen, where, and how this will be achieved and delivered over the next 20 years.
Why is new guidance on parking standards in new developments required?
Producing detailed guidance on parking standards for new developments is a priority for us. The government is clear that local authorities are expected to have up-to-date plans in place to guide development within their area to plan for the infrastructure, homes, and jobs that our residents need. The Parking Standards for New Developments SPD updates and replaces existing standards, whilst providing more detailed guidance and bringing existing standards into one document.
Our local plan and supporting SPDs are necessary to ensure future development needs are met in a sustainable way, with the infrastructure required to support growth. Parking provision can influence the way that developments are designed and the way that they are used. It is essential that sustainability is at the heart of this so that those using new developments are encouraged to adopt sustainable travel practices.
What does the document include?
The document covers cycle parking, car parking, disabled parking, powered two-wheeler parking and operational parking requirements. It sets out the number of parking spaces required for new developments in both residential and commercial settings.
The proposals are also summarised in the Overview and Scrutiny Committee Report (PDF) and in its Appendix A Comparison of the existing and proposed car parking standards (PDF).
Why are we consulting on the draft Parking Standards for New Developments SPD?
It is a legal requirement for us to publish the draft Parking Standards for New Developments SPD for consultation. We think it is important for residents, developers, businesses, and other interested parties to have the opportunity to have their say. Any feedback we receive will help us make sure our approach to parking provision in new developments is effective.
Have your say
This consultation has closed.
Next steps
This document was adopted on 1 August 2023 as the Parking Standards for New Developments SPD.