Resilient Highways Network - what did we consult on?
Consultation closed: 9 October, 2022
Consultation opened: 26 August, 2022
We wanted your views on which roads to keep open as a priority during adverse weather. We call these priority roads our ‘Resilient Highways Network’.
Having a Resilient Highways Network identifies the roads that we prioritise when we experience extreme weather conditions (e.g. floods, storms, ice, snow, heatwaves, etc.). These roads are prioritised for faster repairs or maintenance so they can remain open and in use.
This helps maintain access to vital services such as schools, railway stations, key food shops, petrol stations, hospitals, police, fire services, etc., and keeps activity going in our town centres, industrial estates, and business parks. As an example, these would be the main roads salted by our gritters when cold weather is forecast.
In 2022, as part of a two-yearly review, we carried out a public consultation to get your feedback.
The roads we proposed to include were the same as those in 2020 when we previously reviewed our Resilient Highways Network.
Please see Appendix A (list of roads) and Appendix B (our map) for further details.