Consultation on the Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Developments Supplementary Planning Document (SPD)
Consultation closed: Thursday 28 July 2022
Consultation opened: Wednesday 15 June 2022
We are currently consulting on our Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Developments SPD (PDF).
Our commitment to climate change
We're committed to tackling climate change and making Central Bedfordshire more sustainable. Our Vision 2050 seeks opportunities to develop cleaner and greener modes of travel. It also supports the creation of an electric vehicle (EV) charging network which will help to make electric vehicles more accessible and reduce the carbon impact of travel in Central Bedfordshire. Our Sustainability Plan (PDF) recognises the significant benefits of Electric Vehicles, particularly in relation to air quality, public health and the reduction of carbon emissions.
Electric vehicle charging within Central Bedfordshire
The use of electric vehicles in Central Bedfordshire and the demand for charging infrastructure is increasing, and the majority of our residents will need access to electric vehicle charging points in close proximity to their homes. We need to make sure the necessary infrastructure is provided to promote the use of electric vehicles to help meet our sustainability commitments.
Why is the Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Developments required?
We have prepared the Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Developments document, which sets out our requirements for electric vehicle charging points to be provided for all new developments. It supports Policy T5 in our adopted Local Plan, our Vision 2050 and the aim of our Sustainability Plan (PDF).
What does the guidance include?
The government has set out its commitment to delivering electric vehicle charging infrastructure within building regulations, which requires all new homes to make provision for active electric vehicle charging infrastructure. This means providing physical charging points for each new home. The building regulations also make suggestions for further charging points on other types of development, such as commercial uses.
Our guidance sets out the standards required for electric vehicle charging in all new developments in Central Bedfordshire. It also provides guidance on the types of chargers, the design and layout of electric vehicle charging, and the information that developers are required to provide at the planning application stage. The document gives a clear steer to developers as to what is required from the outset of a new development and will make sure that the occupants of new developments avoid unnecessary costs to pay for the retrofitting of charge points.
Have your say
This consultation is closed.
The Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Developments SPD ran for public consultation for six weeks from 10am on Wednesday 15 June 2022 to 10am on Thursday 28 July 2022. You can take part in the consultation by visiting our planning consultation portal.
Next steps
After the consultation ends, we will consider all the comments received and will make changes to the document where necessary. A summary of the comments received and how they have been taken into account will be presented to our Executive Committee in the autumn, alongside the final Electric Vehicle Charging: Guidance for New Developments document. Once adopted, the SPD will be a material consideration in determining applications and all development proposals will be required to demonstrate that they have taken it into consideration.