Consultation: Domestic Abuse Strategy

What we'd like to achieve with our Domestic Abuse Strategy

Consultation closed: Sunday 28 November 2021
Consultation opened: Monday 8 November 2021

Our vision is for Central Bedfordshire to be a great place to live and work, in which individuals can live free of fear, violence and abuse. We have developed five key priorities that will help us achieve our vision. They are:

  • partnership: by collaborating with others, we learn together and understand a fuller picture of domestic abuse in the area
  • prevention and early help: by preventing domestic abuse from occurring in the first place; prevention and early intervention for adults, children and young people is a priority
  • provision: Central Bedfordshire is inclusive and welcoming of the different characteristics individuals have, and aims to understand their needs and provide appropriate responses
  • protection: to significantly impact the prevalence of domestic abuse within Central Bedfordshire a robust response to those perpetrating must be a priority
  • progression: in order to better understand what works we need high quality quantitative and qualitative data that can be linked together to create a meaningful story

Over the next 3 years, we will focus on achieving the following 5 objectives.

Outcome 1: Children and young people can recognise and form healthy relationships

Objective: Equip children and young people with the knowledge, skills and understanding to recognise and develop healthy relationship.

We will do this by:

  • working closely with partners in education settings and public health to ensure professionals delivering personal health, social and citizenship education have access to information, lesson planning and guidance to deliver healthy relationships curriculum
  • ensuring professionals working in education settings have access to information and age-appropriate support for the children and young people they are working with
  • delivering the Domestic Abuse Responders programme to staff within education settings to promote awareness, to support those who are in an unhealthy relationship and challenge behaviours

Outcome 2: Individuals experiencing and at risk of experiencing domestic abuse are supported to be and feel safe

Objective: Ensuring that all agencies work together to offer the right support at the earliest opportunity as every contact counts.

We will do this by:

  • ensuring those experiencing domestic abuse have their voices heard by developing an authentic voice panel
  • making Central Bedfordshire a safe space for people experiencing domestic abuse where individuals can access information and support safely within their communities
  • deliver the Domestic Abuse Responders programme to community partners, to promote awareness and support for those who are in unhealthy relationships
  • develop our approach and support to workplaces so they are able to better support their workforce
  • understand the link between domestic abuse, self-harm and suicide, to assist professionals in their learning and how they support clients

Outcome 3: Supporting and disrupting perpetrators to change their behaviour and break the cycle of domestic abuse

Objective: Ensuring that all agencies work together to risk assess and safety plan at every opportunity as every contact counts and the Criminal Justice System (CJS) is effective at holding domestic abuse perpetrators to account, increasing evidence led opportunities and delivering positive outcomes for victims

We will do this by:

  • supporting front line professionals to develop the skills and confidence needed to engage with individuals that harm others
  • focus on early intervention to prevent escalation and break cycles of abuse
  • developing a whole-family approach to working with people impacted by domestic abuse
  • partners work together to provide disruption opportunities targeted at those that harm others in their relationships
  • work with the CJS to monitor the use and effectiveness of the legislation available in managing those that harm others in their relationships

Outcome 4: Communities, professionals and employers are able to recognise what domestic abuse is and have confidence to tackle and support at the earliest point

Objective: Raise levels of domestic abuse awareness and confidence with all professionals and employees to enable them to identify and respond effectively to domestic abuse at the earliest opportunity.

We will do this by:

  • delivering joint targeted domestic abuse campaigns with key partners
  • developing and delivering bespoke electronic interventions for use of professionals, such as podcasts and electronic training / awareness sessions
  • develop a dynamic partnership training offer across multiple platforms and settings
  • raising awareness within the business community and business sector, encouraging healthy working environments
  • enabling services to understand intersectional needs of individuals to ensure individuals get the responses and support they need

Outcome 5: We are commissioning the right services to meet the needs of our residents

Objective: Commissioning partners and stakeholders to work together to use intelligent commissioning principles to provide services that meet residents’ needs.

We will do this by:

  • ensuring we meet the needs of individuals needing safe accommodation under Section 4 of the Domestic Abuse Act 2021 (see section 2)
  • completing robust needs assessment in line with Domestic Abuse Act guidelines evidence of unmet need/barriers to services
  • consultating with service providers and those experiencing domestic abuse
  • understanding and working with the voluntary sector to complement existing services
  • evaluating commissioned services in accordance with our Domestic Abuse Commissioning Strategy and Equality Impact Assessment (see section 2)
  • open, fair, and ethical commissioning which is values based
  • publish review and evaluations of our commissioned services