Our flood management responsibilities
Under the Flood and Water Management Act 2010, we serve as the lead local flood authority for Central Bedfordshire. Our responsibilities include:
- developing and maintaining a Local Flood Risk Management Strategy – we create strategies to manage and reduce flood risks in our area
- maintaining a register of physical features – we keep a record of physical features that have a significant effect on flooding in Central Bedfordshire
- investigating significant local flooding incidents – we investigate local flood incidents and publish results where the impact is deemed significant
- promoting sustainable development – we encourage sustainable drainage systems in new developments to support flood prevention
- regulating works on ordinary watercourses – we issue consents and take enforcement action when necessary
- designating structures and features that impact flooding – designated feature owners must obtain consent from us to alter, remove, or replace these features
- coordinating flood risk management – we work to coordinate flood risk management efforts across our area
Emergency contacts
In an emergency, call 999. To report a flood incident or a potential flooding risk, email us at floodrisk@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk (this is not a 24-hour contact). For flooding on public roads, please contact our highways team.
As a highway authority, we have additional drainage responsibilities under the Act.