If you need to leave your property because of flooding, it’s important to take the following precautions to protect your home and ensure your safety:
- turn off gas, water, and electricity to prevent damage and hazards while you are away
- gather essential personal belongings, such as insurance documents, bank details, and key telephone numbers, and keep them in a waterproof bag
- move valuables and sentimental items upstairs or to a high place to protect them from floodwater
- keep a separate list of useful telephone numbers, including your insurance company and Floodline (0345 988 1188)
- if possible, move electrical equipment and furniture upstairs; for items you cannot move, raise them off the floor using blocks or other materials
- alert neighbours and assist the elderly, infirm, and those with small children
- block doorways, low windows, and air bricks using flood barriers, sandbags, or heavy-duty plastic
- avoid walking or driving through floodwater as there could be hidden hazards
- stay informed by keeping up to date via Floodline (0345 988 1188) or local media
By following these steps, you can help protect your property and reduce the risk of injury or damage during flooding.