Over a 10-year period between 2011 and 2021, the population of Central Bedfordshire grew by 16% from 254,381 to 294,267 whilst the number of dwellings grew by 15% with 16,542 new homes being delivered in the same 10-year period. This shows we are broadly providing the right amount of homes to meet our growing population.
As the population continues to grow and change in its make-up, we need to make sure there continues to be enough homes to meet people’s needs. National Planning Policy and Guidance sets out an approach for calculating how many homes and jobs we need to plan for. This takes account of changes in population as well as the affordability of housing in the area.
We know how important the countryside and rural character of Central Bedfordshire is. Whilst we recognise that the number of homes required can seem significant, they only equate to a small percentage of Central Bedfordshire land. Approximately 20% of Central Bedfordshire is classed as developed.
The Council monitors how many houses are being delivered through the Authority Monitoring Reports.