Brownfield land is land that has been previously developed or built on. This could include land that has been used for housing, industry or car parks for example. We want to use as much brownfield land as we can. Unfortunately, the supply of brownfield land in Central Bedfordshire is very limited and, in the past, there hasn’t been enough to deliver all the homes and jobs that are needed. This has meant that growth has had to be allocated to greenfield sites. We keep a register of known brownfield sites that we think could come forward for development, subject to planning permission, which is updated annually. We will always look to use this land before we look for greenfield sites.
The brownfield register is informed by a number of sources. These include:
- our call for sites (where we ask landowners to submit potential sites for alternative uses)
- existing records of sites from submitted planning applications in the last 12 months
- some site allocations which have a reasonable prospect of being developed
- public land and employment land register
For further information see our brownfield register.