What is the process and timeline for the new Local Plan?

Developing a Local Plan is a big task, which takes a number of years. As well as requiring a huge range of evidence studies to be prepared to ensure we are considering all options effectively, we want to ensure we allow enough time to hear from you (our communities, stakeholders and businesses) about what you want for your area.

There will be several opportunities for you to get involved as the Local Plan develops. The development of the Plan will include extensive evidence gathering, thousands of hours of staff time, several stages of consultation with residents, Town and Parish Council’s, businesses, our neighbouring councils, developers and landowners in the area, and regular meetings with Councillors. When the Council has a final Local Plan, it then has to be examined by an independent Planning Inspector.

The timeline below shows the key stages of plan preparation. It is expected the new Local Plan will be adopted by December 2028.

Early 2024
Comms and engagement workshops
July 2024 to end of September 2024
Public engagement
Site assessment and drafting the plan
Spring 2026
Public consultation (Regulation 18 issues and options)
Public consultation (Regulation 19 pre-submission)
Submission and examination
December 2028
Adopt new Local Plan