Current status of schools
The Schools Trust and Academies Report indicates the current status of schools in Central Bedfordshire, including those which have, or are in the process of conversion to, academies.
The report, which is updated on a monthly basis, also includes information of any trust or federation that each school may be engaged in.
The map of our Educational Planning Areas will help to identify the location of Central Bedfordshire schools and academies.
Additional information for schools that have converted to academy status, or are considering conversion
There are implications for schools moving to academy status regarding processes, procedures and charges which differ from local authority schools. The FAQs (PDF 111.2KB) include information from admissions, finance, performance team, SEN and school support, school improvement and human resources.
Also available for schools considering conversion to academy status is a briefing note (PDF 25.2KB) on pension implications for the Local Government Pension Scheme. This has been produced by Claire Bennett, Pensions Administration Manager for the Bedfordshire Pension Fund.
Insurance framework for academies
We offer a competitive insurance framework for academy schools, but before making any decisions about who to use, the EFA should be consulted for the most up-to-date guidance relating to insurance arrangements.
If you would like further information on the framework insurance, please call us on 0300 300 8015, or send an email to
If you require any additional information on this, or any other aspect of school organisation, please contact