Resources for school governors
There are different categories of governor:
- Co-opted Governor
- Foundation / Partnership Governors
- Local Authority Governor
- Parent Governor
- Staff Governor
- Associate Member
Instrument of Government
Every governing board is legally required to have an Instrument of Government, a document recording the name of the school and the composition of the governing board. The governing board is responsible for its preparation and it must be approved by:
- the foundation governors
- any trustees
- any appropriate religious body
Once the draft instrument has been approved, the governing board submits it to the local authority. The governing board with the local authority can review and change the instrument at any time.
Academy status
Information regarding academy conversion can be found on the National Governance Association's (NGA) website and on the DfE's website.
Frequently Asked Questions (PDF 65.2KB) regarding academies.
Performance hub
The performance hub provides information on research and statistics, performance tables and Department for Education publications under the following headings:
- Data and information
- Analysis and statistics
- School assessments
- School census
- School administration
School Governor Qualifications and Disqualifications Disclosure Form
School Governor Qualifications and Disqualifications Disclosure Form (Word 43KB) - all new governors are required to sign this form at the time of their appointment. The form should be kept with the governor records.
Model job description
The National Governance Association (NGA) has a comprehensive job description on their website.
Sample academy clerk job description.
Interview questions when appointing a new clerk.
Suggestions on an induction pack for a new governor (PDF 80.2KB) .
Useful resources
Statutory guidance on the School Governance (Constitution) (England) Regulations 2012
Governor training
Governor training programme summary (PDF)
Safer Recruitment Training
Safeguarding Bedfordshire offers a free Safer Recruitment online course.