Marcel Coiffait is the Chief Executive and is responsible for:
- Human Resources
- Information Technology (IT)
- Governance
- Monitoring Officer
Marcel leads the Corporate Management Team, which consists of the following directors.
Hayley Griffin is the Interim Director for Children’s Services which consists of:
- Children's Services
- Education
- Safeguarding and SEND
- School Organisation and Planning
Lorna Carver is the Deputy Chief Executive and Director of Place and Communities which consists of:
- Assets
- Development Infrastructure
- Environment and Sustainability
- Place and Communities
- Public Protection and Transport
Denis Galvin is Director of Finance (S151 Officer) which consists of:
- Finance
- Internal Audit and Risk
- Revenues and Benefits
Andrew Sharp is the Director of Social Care, Health and Housing which consists of:
- Adult Social Care
- Commissioning
- Housing Services
- Resources, Social Care, Health and Housing
- Social Care, Health and Housing
Vicky Head is the Director of Public Health. This is a shared post between Central Bedfordshire Council, Bedford Borough Council and Milton Keynes Council.
Organisational structure
View our organisational structure.