Learner safeguarding

Safeguarding our learners

Bedfordshire Employment and Skills Academy (BESA) takes safeguarding seriously. We believe it is everyone’s responsibility to:

  • respect each other’s right to feel safe
  • treat each other fairly and with respect
  • not to threaten, hurt or abuse others in any way

We aim to ensure that all people attending our courses are kept safe, whether courses are part of our in-house delivery or delivered by training providers on our behalf through use of our funding.

View or download our wellbeing and safeguarding leaflet (PDF)

Mental health and wellbeing support

We have a range of local and national wellbeing and mental health support services listed:

You can also find local mental health support services on the Hub of Hope website.

Venue safety

We're committed to providing the safest environment possible to ensure learners are safe.

Our training providers risk assess venues where courses take place and will advise on aspects like venue security and lockdown procedure. Where specific lockdown procedure cannot be applied, advice would be to be aware of the Run Hide Tell advice for the public. This covers steps that can be taken to keep safe in the rare event of a firearms or weapons attack.

Reporting a BESA safeguarding issue, incident or concern

We’re committed to providing support where a safeguarding issue, incident or concern is raised.

If you are a BESA learner and need to report a safeguarding issue, incident or concern please talk to your tutor or the training provider’s safeguarding contact. Details will have been given to you by the training provider as part of your induction. If you feel unable to raise your concern with the training provider, you can contact BESA direct by calling or emailing us:

Email: besa.safeguarding@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk
Telephone: 0300 300 8131 and ask to speak to our Designated Safeguarding Lead.

If you have general concerns about your own safety or the safety of others, you can contact the adult protection team on the details below.

Telephone: 0300 300 8122 (Monday to Friday, 8:45am to 5:20pm) or 0300 300 8123 (outside of these hours)
Email: adult.protection@centralbedfordshire.gov.uk

Read detailed help and advice about staying safe.