Planning advice – is planning permission needed?

Do you need planning permission?

You may need to make a planning application if you want to:

  • build anything new
  • alter the external appearance of the building such as an extension
  • carry out other works and operations
  • change the use of all or part of your building

For further guidance, please visit the Planning Portal. You can view advice on planning rules for a range of common projects, such as windows, extensions and energy efficiency measures and use its interactive guides.

Listed buildings and conservation areas

Different rules can apply to listed buildings and projects within conservation areas. For further information in relation to works to listed buildings and to find out whether your property is listed please visit our guidance on listed buildings.

Additional controls apply within conservation areas.

Dropped kerbs

You may require planning permission for a dropped kerb. Find out if you need permission for a dropped kerb.

If you're still unsure, you can ask us for an informal opinion on whether planning permission is required

Ask us for an informal opinion

If planning permission isn't required, the work must be carried out by us.

Find out how to apply for a dropped kerb.

If your project needs planning permission and you carry out the work without getting it, you can be served an enforcement notice requiring you to undo all the changes you have made.

Permitted development rights

These allow you to make minor changes to your property or undertake certain works such as a change of use without a planning application.

Find out more about permitted development on the Planning Portal.

Read about permitted development on GOV.UK.

You can check if your property has permitted development rights by first checking your deeds and information pack on the purchase of your property. If you haven’t been able to find what you need, you can ask for us to carry out a check. We charge for this service.

Please note: This service costs £131.71

Ask us to check for permitted development rights

Once we've got your completed form and payment, we'll log your request so we can look into it for you.

In some cases, you may not need to apply for planning permission but may still need to let us know what you are doing; this is known as prior approval or notification.

Read more about prior approval on the Planning Portal.

If you'd like confirmation that work is permitted development, you can submit an application for a lawful development certificate. For further information and to apply, please visit the planning portal.

Removed permitted development rights

In some parts of Central Bedfordshire, we have removed permitted development. Find out which areas are affected.


Due to each application having its own site-specific variations, we can't provide advice as to whether planning permission is required over the phone or via email.

Our pre-application service offers advice written by our professional officers, which you can consider before you submit an application, to help you to decide if you need planning permission.

You can also read the policies and guidance which we use to determine applications.