Gypsy and Traveller sites in Central Bedfordshire

Central Bedfordshire has over 47 permanent Gypsy and Traveller sites.

We have one of the highest concentrations of sites in England.

We own and manage 4 sites:

  • Chiltern View in Eaton Bray
  • Timberlands in Pepperstock
  • Common Road in Potton
  • Woodlands near Biggleswade

These sites are managed by our Gypsy and Traveller site managers, who are responsible for the day-to-day management of these sites. This includes the allocation of plots, health and safety, as well as advice and guidance.

The site manager is also fundamental to building successful relationships with key partner agencies, tenant involvement, and leading the development of services, policies and procedures.

Download plot application form.

Privately owned sites

As well as the four council-owned sites, there are 44 privately owned sites (eight of which are Travelling Showpeople sites). These sites are often family-run and a part of the community in which they are situated.