There are different ways you can access health care, this leaflet explains the different options.
- How the NHS Works leaflet (in English)
- How the NHS Works leaflet (in Ukrainian)
- How the NHS Works leaflet (in Russian)
You may also find this leaflet about how to help you and your family stay well useful.
- How to help you and your family stay well leaflet (in English)
- How to help you and your family stay well leaflet (in Ukrainian)
- How to help you and your family stay well leaflet (in Russian)
Access to health care
Guests will need to register with a family doctor, called General Practitioners (GPs).
GPs are your first point of contact for many physical and mental health concerns. The GP practice is also responsible for coordinating and managing your long-term healthcare and they can refer you if you need more specialised hospital services. We strongly recommend that guests register with a GP as soon as possible after they arrive.
You can find a GP near to you online. Information about registering with a local GP is on the Government website. You will be asked to fill out a registration form. You do not need proof of address or immigration status, ID or an NHS number.
Everyone in the UK can access urgent health care by calling 111.
If you have an accident that requires immediate medical treatment you need to go to the nearest hospital that has an Accident and Emergency (A&E) Department which are open 24 hours a day or if you are seriously ill and cannot travel you can call for an ambulance by calling 999.
Dental care
Some dentists offer NHS treatment and private treatment. You should register with a dentist as an NHS patient and let them know if you are receiving benefits, in which case your check-ups and necessary treatment will be free. Note that getting dental treatment before receiving Universal Credit can result in charges.
You can find a dentist online. If your tooth is painful, you should call 111 for Urgent Dental Care Services.
Eye care
You can find an optician online.
Drug and Alcohol support
You can self-refer online or by calling 0333 332 4019.
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