Workplace health and wellbeing

We work directly with local workplaces and a range of service providers in our area to boost employee health and wellbeing. 

Our Workplace Health team (part of our Public Health team) aims to support businesses and organisations across our region to create supportive and thriving environments for all employees.  

We focus on providing free health and wellbeing services for local organisations, to enhance physical, mental, and emotional wellness.

Public Health is a shared service across Central Bedfordshire, Bedford Borough and Milton Keynes.

Why prioritise workplace health? 

Maintaining a healthy work environment fosters productivity, reduces absenteeism, and cultivates a positive working culture. A healthier workplace not only benefits employees but also contributes to the overall success of an organisation and the community. 

People in the UK on average work 36 hours per week which means 21.4% of our week is spent at work. During this time our working environment is influencing our mood and emotions which can in turn impact on our home lives and our interactions with family and friends.

Public Health England (2017)

Our approach to supporting local workplaces 

Health and wellbeing resources 

Businesses and organisations can access a range of resources tailored to support different aspects of health, including fitness, nutrition, inclusive employment, and mental health. All hosted on Milton Keynes’ (our public health partner) website.

Tailored training and webinars

Access specialised training and engaging webinars designed to uplift both workplaces and their valued employees.

Direct support for employees

Support for employees to adopt healthier lifestyles including those provided by local services, such as healthy weight and stop smoking services.  A full list can be found on our website. 

Get involved

If your organisations would like to join us in promoting workplace health and wellbeing - whether you're an employee looking to participate in our programs, or an organisation interested in collaboration - we welcome your involvement in creating a healthier workplace together.

Contact us
Have questions or suggestions? Feel free to reach out to our Workplace Health and Wellbeing team:  

Email: (for all enquiries across Central Bedfordshire Bedford Borough and Milton Keynes) 
Telephone: 01908 252026 

Stay Informed: Workplace health updates and campaigns 

Discover the latest news, hot topics, and impactful campaigns dedicated to promoting workplace health and wellbeing.