Local Plan archive: Examination documents

Local Plan examination documents (archive)

Schedule of Additional Modifications (July 2021)

The Schedule of Additional Modifications (PDF, July 2021) sets out the minor changes made to the Local Plan, which do not affect the Plan’s soundness or legal compliance. The Schedule has been updated to include all minor changes following the Main Modifications consultation and is the final version that accompanies the adopted Local Plan.

Exam documents (post-additional hearings)

EXAM 142: Combined summaries of representations and Council’s responses to issues raised in Main Modifications consultation (July 2021)

EXAM 141: Central Bedfordshire Local Plan Proposed Modifications to Policy Maps (March 2021)

EXAM 140: Central Bedfordshire Local Plan Habitats Regulations Assessment Addendum (March 2021)

EXAM 139: Central Bedfordshire Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Main Modifications Report – Non-Technical Summary (March 2021)

EXAM 138: Central Bedfordshire Local Plan Sustainability Appraisal Main Modifications Report (March 2021)

EXAM 137: Central Bedfordshire Local Plan Proposed Main Modifications Schedule (March 2021)

EXAM 136: Inspectors' reply to letter EXAM 135 (15 March 2021)

EXAM 135: Response to the Inspectors' letter EXAM 134 (12 March 2021)

EXAM 134: Inspector's Further Hearings Letter (10 March 2021)

EXAM 133: CBC Letter to the Inspectors in response to EXAM 131 (4 February 2021)

EXAM 132: Green Belt Changes resulting from Central Bedfordshire Local Plan January 2021 (4 February 2021)

EXAM 131: Inspectors’ letter to the Council following the further hearing sessions in December 2020 (29 January 2021)

EXAM 130: Statement of Common Ground agreed between Central Bedfordshire Council and Defence Infrastructure Organisation (15 January 2021)

Exam documents (additional hearings)

EXAM 129: Erratum, Matter 3, Issue 1 – North of Luton 041220 (17 December 2020)

Addendum to EXAM 128: The map included in EXAM 128 (page 3) was published in error; correct map to Local Plan Supplementary SA Figure 4.1

EXAM 128: Central Bedfordshire Local Plan Supplementary SA 4.1 Figure 2 Map (8 December 2020)

EXAM 127: Highways England Corridor Assessment Report 2018 (8 December 2020)

EXAM 126: Case No. CO 1290 2020  Flaxby  V Harrogate BC (25 November 2020)

EXAM 125: Hearing Programme and Participants (updated 6 November 2020)

Please note: View or download further, updated, Hearing Programme and Participants document

Exam documents (post-hearings)

EXAM 124: Inspectors’ Matters, Issues and Questions (updated 5 November 2020)

EXAM 123: (Superseded by EXAM 125) Further Hearings Programme (16 October 2020)

EXAM 122: Further Hearings Guidance Note (16 October 2020)

EXAM 121: (Superseded by EXAM 124) Further Matters Issues and Questions (16 October 2020)

EXAM 120: CBC Letter to Inspectors on Latest Consultation (11 September 2020)

EXAM 119: CBC Response to Inspectors on Household Projections (5 August 2020)

EXAM 118: Letter from Inspectors Berkeley, Birkinshaw and Hockenhall - 2018 Household Projections and Luton BC unmet need (8 July 2020)

EXAM 117: CBC Draft Suggested Main Modifications arising from Additional Evidence (2 July 2020)

EXAM 116: CBC Letter to the Inspectors in response to EXAM 69 (15 May 2020)

EXAM 115: Sustainability Appraisal of the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan Supplementary Report (15 May 2020)

EXAM 114: Transport Technical Paper (15 May 2020)

EXAM 113: Housing Technical Paper (15 May 2020)

EXAM 112: Employment Technical Paper (15 May 2020)

EXAM 111: Statement of Common Ground between Highways England and Central Bedfordshire Council (15 May 2020)

EXAM 110: North Luton LVIA Addendum (15 May 2020)

EXAM 109: Employment Land Update (15 May 2020)

EXAM 108: Biggleswade Holme Farm Planning Design Delivery Analysis Report (15 May 2020)

EXAM 107: Sundon Rail Freight Interchange Alternative Site Assessment (15 May 2020)

EXAM 106: Prologis Park Marston Gate Expansion Scheme Comparison Document (15 May 2020)

EXAM 105: Luton Borough Council vs. Central Bedfordshire Council Appendix to EXAM 104 (7 May 2020)

EXAM 104: CBC Letter to the Inspectors M1-A6 Link Road (7 May 2020)

EXAM 103: CBC response to Inspectors' letter, EXAM 102 (24 March 2020)

EXAM 102: Inspectors' update on Examination Timetable (19 March 2020)

EXAM 101: CBC letter to the Inspectors on M1-A6 JR update (20 February 2020)

EXAM 100: Statement of Common Ground between CBC and Historic England (31 January 2020)

EXAM 99: Important Countryside Gaps note (31 January 2020)

EXAM 98: Leisure Strategy note (31 January 2020)

EXAM 97: Shillington – revised site boundary and capacity evidence (31 January 2020)

EXAM 96: HAS16 Land Agreement note (31 January 2020)

EXAM 95: Primary Shopping Areas and Frontages (31 January 2020)

EXAM 94: Retail Impact threshold justification (31 January 2020)

EXAM 93: Self Build evidence note (31 January 2020)

EXAM 92: Hockliffe small and medium sites – impacts of flood risk assessment (31 January 2020)Yes

EXAM 91: Housing Trajectory schedule of changes (31 January 2020)

EXAM 90: Housing Trajectory (31 January 2020)

EXAM 89: Land East of Biggleswade delivery rates (31 January 2020)

EXAM 88: Houghton Regis North – housing position statement (31 January 2020)

EXAM 87: Small and medium allocations delivery (31 January 2020)

EXAM 86: Housing delivery by source (31 January 2020)

EXAM 85: CBC Covering Letter to the Inspectors (31 January 2020)

EXAM 84: Letter from Inspectors to CBC on EXAM 83 (15 January 2020)

EXAM 83: CBC Response to Letter from Inspectors on EXAM 80 from 8 November 2019 (9 January 2020)

EXAM 82: CBC Response to Letter from Inspectors on EXAM 81 (11 November 2019)

EXAM 81: Letter from Inspectors to CBC on EXAM 80 (8 November 2019)

EXAM 80: CBC Response to Letter from Inspectors on EXAM 79 (29 October 2019)

EXAM 79: Letter from Inspectors to CBC on EXAM 77 (28 October 2019)

EXAM 78: CBC Local Plan Statement (October 2019)

EXAM 77: CBC Formal Response to Letter from Inspectors on EXAM 69 (14 October 2019)

EXAM 76: CBC Response to Letter from Inspectors on EXAM 74 (11 October 2019)

EXAM 75: Email Correspondence between Luton Borough Council and Programme Officer (20 September 2019)

EXAM 74: Letter from Inspectors to CBC on EXAM 72 (10 October 2019)

EXAM 73: Email Correspondence between CBC and Programme Officer (7 October 2019: 8 October 2019)

EXAM 72: CBC Response to Letter from Inspectors on EXAM 69 (7 October 2019)

EXAM 71: Email from Chilterns Conservation Board to Programme Officer (12 September 2019)

EXAM 70: CBC Initial Response to Inspectors on EXAM 69 (3 October 2019)

EXAM 69: Letter from Inspectors to CBC (Post-Examination) (30 September 2019)

EXAM 68: Aspley Triangle Landscape Sensitivity Study (January 2007)

EXAM 67-56: Landscape Character Assessment (LCA) (January 2015)

EXAM 55: Extract from EXAM 18A: M1-A6 Link Road Planning Support Statement

EXAM 54-50: Extracts from EXAM 16 and 16A: Environmental Statement (Volumes 1 and 2)

EXAM 49-43: Extracts from EXAM 18: M1-A6 Link Road Supporting Documents

EXAM 42: Note on Biggleswade Housing Infrastructure Fund (HIF) Allocation (August 2019)

EXAM 41: Note on Amendments to Policy SP1 (August 2019)

EXAM 40: CBC Leisure Strategy (February 2014)

EXAM 39: Report, Minutes and Decision Notice for HAS32 Cranfield (June 2019)

EXAM 38: Note on Town Centre Development (Policy R3) (August 2019)

EXAM 37: CBC Technical Guidance on Wind Energy Development (March 2013)

EXAM 36: CBC Guidance on Rights of Way Standards (November 2014)

EXAM 35: Note on Eaton Park and Eaton Bray Neighbourhood Plan (August 2019)

EXAM 34: Note on Employment Land Supply and Job Numbers (August 2019)

EXAM 33: Note on Population, Housing and Employment (July 2019)

EXAM 32: North Herts Local Plan: Letter from Inspector to NHDC (9 July 2019)

EXAM 31: Closing Statement for Local Plan Examination (July 2019)

EXAM 30: Letter from Network Rail to Prologis (Sundon RFI) (10 June 2019)

EXAM 29: Note on HAS32 Leighton Linslade (July 2019)

EXAM 28: Note on Affordable Housing (Policy H4) (July 2019)

EXAM 27: Note on Lindsells Crossing, Biggleswade (July 2019)

EXAM 26: Note on Revisions to Green Belt Boundaries (July 2019)

EXAM 25: Note on Green Belt Exceptional Circumstances (Sundon RFI) (July 2019)

EXAM 24: Note on Site Selection Process (July 2019)

EXAM 23: Note on Land Agreement at HAS16 Everton (July 2019)

EXAM 22: Note on Open Space Designations (July 2019)

EXAM 21: Gypsy and Traveller Commitments (Since 1 April 2016) (July 2019)

EXAM 20: Note on A600 Trip Generation (July 2019)

Exam documents (during hearings)

EXAM 19: Note on M1 J11a (July 2019)

EXAM 18-18A: M1-A6 Link Road Supporting Documents

EXAM 17-17D: M1-A6 Link Road Transport Assessment

EXAM 16-16D: Environmental Statement (March 2019)

EXAM 15: CBC Statement of Understanding with Highways England (M1 J13) (10 July 2019)

EXAM 14: Forest of Marston Vale: Forest Plan (2000)

EXAM 13: Extract from CBC Executive Committee Report on M1-A6 Link Road (11 June 2019)

EXAM 12: Note on the Identified Locations for Future Growth (June 2019)

EXAM 11: CBC Local Plan Growth Areas Map (Matter 4)

EXAM 10: Plan MK Examination Report and Modifications Schedule (Matter 2) (February 2019)

EXAM 9: Milton Keynes Council Letter to CBC on Marston Valley (Matter 1) (11 July 2018)

EXAM 8: Opening Speech for Local Plan Examination (May 2019)

Examination documents (pre-hearings)

EXAM 7-7T: CBC Response to EXAM 6

EXAM 6: Inspector's Response to CBC on EXAM 5 (15 October 2018)

EXAM 5-5EE: CBC Response to Inspector on EXAM 4 + Supporting Documents

EXAM 4: Inspector's Response to CBC on EXAM 3 (12 September 2018)

EXAM 3-3L: CBC Response to Inspector's Initial Questions + Supporting Documents

EXAM 2: Inspector's Initial Questions to CBC (9 August 2018)

EXAM 1-1D: Letter from Inspector on Habitats Regulation Assessment (HRA) Screening + Responses