About the Central Bedfordshire Local Plan 2015 to 2035
Our great location and transport links mean more people than ever want to live and work here. We need to plan for this.
We need to provide more homes and in particular, homes that you and your families can afford to buy and to rent.
This means we need to:
- create more jobs
- grow the local economy
- keep improving our transport networks
- protect and enhance what you love about where you live
To do this, our Local Plan plans for:
- around 39,350 new homes
- a range of different homes
- 30% of homes to be lower cost options, such as affordable rent and shared ownership
- at least 24,000 new jobs, though new and expanded employment sites
What our Local Plan does
Our Local Plan sets out how Central Bedfordshire will develop over the next 20 years.
It sets out how we'll ensure new developments are:
- in the right place
- of the right character
- high quality
It also ensures that growth will include:
- roads
- schools
- services (such as health)
- retail, leisure and community facilities
Why our Local Plan is important
The government expects us to have an up-to-date plan in place, so we can:
- guide development within our area
- plan for the infrastructure, homes and jobs that our residents need
This is why our Local Plan is a priority for us.
What happens if we don't have a plan?
If we don't have a plan:
- the government can tell us what and where to build
- we could end up with more homes than we're planning for
- we wouldn't have a say on supporting work like roads, schools and other services