In February 2019 the council and partners started the development of a shared Vision for Central Bedfordshire 2050 in order clarify the ambitions that the community, stakeholders and sectors have for the area and the people that live and work within it. As we move toward 2050 we know that somethings will change, and others will stay the same. The Vision seeks to build on the core strengths that Central Bedfordshire as a place has, what makes it attractive, what can be done to enhance it further.
The process of its development explored how healthy and sustainable communities can be built, in the context of future opportunities and challenges such as technology, climate change, changing demographic and economic trends.
The aims and benefits of developing the Vision are to:
- create a shared Vision for Central Bedfordshire 2050 that is a statement of our aspirations for our place, people and the economy, which improves the lives of all our residents, communities and businesses
- unite stakeholders through a shared sense of direction
- guide future strategy and policy developments and investment decisions by Central Bedfordshire Council and partners, to enable more effective delivery of integrated interventions that better serve the current and future needs of residents, communities and businesses.
Central Bedfordshire Council facilitated the development of the Vision, given our unique and extensive range of responsibilities for Central Bedfordshire as a place.
However, given the scope of the Vision it has been explicitly and deliberately been developed with key stakeholders and partners, using a variety of bespoke engagement techniques and building on existing mechanisms where possible.
The Vision for Central Bedfordshire
The Vision for Central Bedfordshire is that it will continue to be a great place to live and work...a place to prosper, a place to be proud of and a place to call home
You can read more on the Central Bedfordshire 2050 website.
At its Thursday 12 November 2020 meeting, Full Council voted overwhelmingly to adopt Vision 2050 – setting our sense of our direction and where we want to be in 30 years' time.