About the Family Drug and Alcohol Court
The Family Drug and Alcohol Court (FDAC) is an alternative (and, research shows, more successful) form of care proceedings, where parental substance misuse is a concern.
It is a bespoke, problem-solving, trauma-informed approach to target individual families’ complex difficulties.
The cross-Bedfordshire court is a partnership between the children’s services teams from:
- Bedford Borough Council
- Central Bedfordshire Council
- Luton Town Council
It will launch in October 2019.
A result of two years' partnership planning to provide the same FDAC service across Bedfordshire, the court is funded in collaboration with the Office of Police and Crime Commissioner (OPCC) and public health services, with grant funding from both.
It is also in collaboration with Bedfordshire Clinical Commissioning Group. The cross-Bedfordshire Family Drug and Alcohol Court is a two-year pilot, that holds a lot of potential for positive outcomes for our children and their families. We plan to work with 21 families in the first year and 30 families in the second year.