Anti-social behaviour info for housing tenants - Misuse of communal area


Misuse of communal areas could be recognised as intimidating other tenants or passers-by, fighting and gathering or urinating in halls/gardens and obstructing common areas and corridors with objects.

Group Gatherings

Although some group gatherings can lead to increased antisocial behavior, they may not always be considered as anti- social behavior but may appear more of a nuisance. See group disorder or smoking in communal areas for further information.


Storing property, and objects in corridors and communal areas may cause danger and is considered anti-social behaviour. Health and Safety is an emphasised concern within our properties to ensure a safe neighborhood, we will act on concerns for health and safety and obstruction of common areas. If you feel it is safe to do so, discuss with your neighbour your concerns for accessing common areas. We’ve put together some tips to help you resolve problems with neighbours in our step-by-step guide or links and information found below.

If you believe your concerns are of an anti-social nature please complete our e-form.

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Housing tenants - anti-social behaviour advice