Anti-social behaviour info for housing tenants - Group disorder or gangs


Defining a gang is difficult.

Often they can be grouped into three types:

  • peer groups
  • social gangs
  • organised crime groups

It can be typical for groups of children gather together in public places, these can be categorised as peer groups. If you feel this fits your complaint, please see our children playing page.

Social gangs

Social gangs can be described as a group of youths that often can appear to behave or cause nuisance to the neighbourhood when congregating in areas.

While some group congregations can result in nuisance and possible antisocial behaviour the gathering itself should not be considered as such. If you are worried that the group may cause nuisance, approach the group with a respectful open- minded approach to make your requests.

However, if you are intimidated and feel you cannot approach the group please contact the police.

Please complete this e-form explaining the associated nuisance behaviour.

Organised crime groups

This alludes to serious and organised criminality by a core of violent gang members who may exploit vulnerable young people and adults. This associated behaviour is of a criminal nature and you need to report this to the police immediately, you must also let them know if you are concerned about your safety or that of someone else. Call 999 or 101.

Please let us know when you have reported this to the police by completing this e-form. Please tell give us a crime reference number so that we are aware of this problem and can work with the police if required.

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Housing tenants - anti-social behaviour advice