Register of Interests (CBC Ward Councillors) - Kevin Collins

Member Name

Kevin Collins



My employment

Trust Manager (paid employment) at CaSE Community Trust.
Director of ASK Marketing & Accounting Services Ltd, ASK Executive Limited and Lex Drake Performance Ltd [all of which are registered at my home address in Caddington]. Non-executive director of Boybrook Limited, Afanes Limited, Studio 7L Ltd, Christian Liaigre Limited, Bagot Refractory Ltd & Almora Botanica UK Ltd. None of these companies have activities in Bedfordshire beyond administrative functions carried out by me from my home.
I currently hold five other directorships which are non-remunerated.

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee employment

Director of Strategic Communications - BCD Meetings & Events Limited [Milton Keynes office of an international operation].

My sponsorship

The Conservative Party (election expenses).

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee sponsorship


My contracts


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee contracts


My land

Joint owner of 25 Dunstable Road, Caddington, Luton LU1 4AL

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee land

Joint owner of 25 Dunstable Road, Caddington, Luton LU1 4AL

My licenses


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee licenses


My tenancies


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee tenancies


My securities

ASK Marketing & Accounting Services Ltd - 4995 of 5000 issued shares. ASK Executive Limited & Lex Drake Performance Ltd - 100% of issued shares in both companies. All three companies are registered at 25 Dunstable Road, Caddington, Luton LU1 4AL

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee securities

ASK Marketing & Accounting Services Ltd - 5 of 5000 issued shares

Any unpaid Directorships that you are appointed to

Suzi Cable Pro Ltd, Safe Drive Systems Ltd, Honjin Gelwood Limited, Night Smart automotive Ltd.

Gifts and hospitality

In June 2023, a meeting with Surinder Arora and Rachel Hopkins MP was conducted over a light lunch at Luton Hoo Hotel (estimated value >£25). I have received other ad-hoc hospitality at Arora Group hotels which would cumulatively have a value > £50.

Non-pecuniary interests


Bodies on which I represent the Council

Angus Brewer Community Fund. Additionally, I am an unrenumerated director of Pepperstock Community Properties, a Private Limited Company by guarantee without share capital and a use of "Limited" exemption. I am NOT officially a representative of Central Bedfordshire Council but the authority does have the right to nominate directors to the board.

Public authorities or bodies that I'm appointed to


Charitable bodies of which I am a Member

The Grace Cook Trust Fund [trustee]; Angus Brewer Community Fund [a panel which agrees distribution of grants].

Influencing bodies of which I am a Member

I am a member of The Wildlife Trust for Bedfordshire, Cambridgeshire, Northamptonshire & Peterborough; my involvement is limited to a regular donation and receipt of newsletters, I do not contribute to forming their policies nor have any obligation to adopt their position on any issue.
I am a member of the Conservative & Unionist Party.

Date of most recent entry to register


Date most recently published
