Register of interests Town and Parish Council - Gregory Alderman

Member Name

Gregory Alderman

Town/Parish Council

Dunstable Town Council

My employment

I am a Supply Teaching Assisstant at Weatherfield Academy in Dunstable.
I rent a room to a lodger.

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee employment

My spouse is a Central Bedfordshire Councillor and a Supply Teacher at Weatherfield Academy in Dunstable.
We rent a room to a lodger.

My sponsorship

Expenses as follows:

Town Council Election Expenses -
Advertising - £154.60
Total - £154.60
Paid for by the Labour Party

Central Bedfordshire Council Election Expenses -
Leaflets - £380
Total - £380
Paid for by the Labour Party

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee sponsorship

2023 Town Council Election Expenses -
Advertising - £178.59
Public Meetings - £40
Total - £218.59
Paid for by the Labour Party

Central Bedfordshire Council Election Expenses -
Leaflets - £620
Total - £620
Paid for by the Labour Party

My contracts


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee contracts


My land

33 Alfred Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4HZ. Owned 3 bed, 2 bath terraced house.

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee land

33 Alfred Street, Dunstable, Bedfordshire, LU5 4HZ. Owned 3 bed, 2 bath terraced house.

My licenses


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee licenses


My tenancies


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee tenancies


My securities


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee securities


Gifts and hospitality


Bodies on which I represent the Council

Ashton Schools Foundation
Ashton Almshouses Charity
Dunstable Joint Committee

Public authorities or bodies that I'm appointed to


Charitable bodies of which I am a Member

I make regular charitable donations to the Marie Curie Charity.

My spouse, Cllr Chloe Alderman donates one-off payments of 20% of her councillor allowance every month. So far, she has sent payments to the following charities:
- May 2023: SORTED, Dunstable (£122.19)
- June 2023: The Chiltern School (£212.56)
- July 2023: Luton, South Bedfordshire and Harpenden branch of the Samaritans (£203.28)
- August 2023: Houghton Regis Town Council to be used by Community Services to help fund the Southend family trip (£202)
- September 2023: All Saints Church to fund their new sound system (£444)
- October 2023: Thornhill Primary School, Houghton Regis (Donation of dictionaries and thesauruses to the value of £299.40)

Influencing bodies of which I am a Member

Labour Party
Fabian Society
GMB Union
Co-operative Party

Date of most recent entry to register


Date most recently published
