e-petitions - Make Saxon Drive a safer place for pedestrians and vulnerable road users

Create a safe pedestrian crossing place on Saxon Drive near Foxglove Drive and Moonflower Place.

Supporting details:

The Green Wheel currently runs opposite Saxon Drive and is a popular walk for residents across the whole town as it enables access to the retail park, industrial estate, further open spaces, countryside walks and connections to villages such as Dunton, Sutton, Potton and beyond. There is currently no formal crossing between the Flowers Estate, Orchard Chase, the Green Wheel and the A1 Retail Park on the section of road between Dunton Lane and Moonflower Place on Saxon Drive.

Saxon Drive faces ever increasing levels of traffic, noise and pollution due to growing population density in the East of Biggleswade and sustainable methods of transport continue to be a focus for many residents. With further building work due in coming months and years, pedestrian safety becomes more important. We are seeking a Pelican or Toucan Crossing between Moonflower Place and Dunton Lane. Enabling a safe space for pedestrian crossing in this area will:

  • Enable vulnerable road users safer access to the Green Wheel, Retail Park and beyond
  • Deliver improved safety for parents and children who cross using pedestrian refuge areas off a very busy roundabout that has limited visibility
  • Increase walking and cycle use in this area
  • Reduce traffic speed

This crossing will also have a nominal effect on reducing pollution and traffic noise in this area. We require 100 signatures to move forward and appreciate your support in achieving this outcome.

Start date

17 November 2023

End date

5 January 2024

Number of respondents

Received a total of 113 signatures