e-petitions - Unpause the schools for the future program for Stotfold and Shefford

Unpause the schools for the future program for Stotfold and Shefford. The CBCs schools for the future program started over 3 years ago with the transition from 3 tier to 2 tier schools was due to be implement soon. This was promised and planned for by parents, schools and the council and will cost the schools millions to pause or delay it further. Parents and families have planned their lives around the promised change. The change to 2 tier was first meant to have been completed by 2015 but the funding was pulled then. Now, 3 years into preparation the council want to pause the plans for the Stotfold and Shefford despite continuing for other areas in the county that have been planning for less time. This is unfair and seems unethical. The council need to uphold their promise and years of planning.

Supporting details

The council are blaming the last administration which is not acceptable. There may be a shortfall in funds but what other plans and funding is been spent elsewhere and on other projects? How can that be more important than our children’s education and future? The 2 tier system needs to be brought in to stay inline with most other county’s and areas in Bedfordshire. How can other areas funding continue but not the Stotfold and Shefford cluster? Who is responsible for our area to now be under funded? What has happened to the funds? If the administration had not change we believe these plans would be going ahead so this cannot be an excuse and the plans need to continue now as planned. A pause is as good as stopping with no guarantee this will be unpaused in the future. This petition will be supported by families and the schools of the area.

Start date

28 July 2023

End date

8 September 2023


Received a total of 501 signatures