Register of interests Town and Parish Council - Clive Faine

Member Name

Clive Faine

Town/Parish Council

Tingrith Parish Meeting

My employment

Abbeygate Developments Ltd - Managing Director
Abbeygate Developments (Blakelands) Ltd - Director
Abbeygate Developments (C4.1) Ltd - Director
Abbeygate Developments (Campbell Park) Ltd - Director
Abbeygate Developments (Grafton Gate2) Ltd - Director
Abbeygate Helical (C4.1) LLP - Member
Abbeygate Helical (Leisure Plaza) Ltd - Director
Pelhamwalk Ltd - Director
Abbeygate (D4.4N) LLP - Member
All the above are property investment & development companies.
Milton Keynes Cycling Association Ltd - Director
City View Saffron Hill Ltd - Director
Previous directorships available on Companies House

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee employment

Pelhamwalk Ltd - shareholder only

My sponsorship


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee sponsorship


My contracts


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee contracts


My land

8 St. Nicholas Close
Milton Keynes
MK17 9EL
Property Owner

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee land

8 St. Nicholas Close
Milton Keynes
MK17 9EL
Property Owner

My licenses


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee licenses


My tenancies


Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee tenancies


My securities

Personal and Pension Scheme Funds and investments are managed by professional fund managers on a discretionary basis, I would not know whether any of those vehicles have any place of business or own land in the area and have not made any enquiries in that respect.

Spouse, civil partner or co-habitee securities

Personal and Pension Scheme Funds and investments are managed by professional fund managers on a discretionary basis, I would not know whether any of those vehicles have any place of business or own land in the area and have not made any enquiries in that respect.

Gifts and hospitality


Bodies on which I represent the Council


Public authorities or bodies that I'm appointed to

Advisor to SEMLEP.
Member of Milton Keynes Business Council

Charitable bodies of which I am a Member


Influencing bodies of which I am a Member

Fellow of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors
British Property Federation
Abbeygate Developments Ltd contributed to the Conservative election campaign in 2015.

Date of most recent entry to register


Date most recently published
