- Provider name
Dawn until Dusk Holiday club
- Activity
Arts & crafts, games, cooking, seasonal activities, free play
- Brief description
We offer a wide range of activities so there is something for everyone, you can rest a sure they will have blast. We offer sports, crafting, cooking, games, free play. Dawn Until Dusk provide children with breakfast, snacks and a hot children’s lunch. We ask that parents send their children with a water bottle that can be re-filled throughout the day also.
- Venue
Clifton All Saints Academy
- Address line 1
Church Street
- Town or village
- Post code
SG17 5ES
- Age range
4 to 13 years
- Available dates
19th to 22nd December
- Time of activity
9.00am to 3.00pm
- Is food provided?
Yes - food is provided
- Number of spaces
- Booking instructions
All bookings made via our website
- Web link for booking
- https://kidsdawntildusk.co.uk/holiday-club-bedfordshire/
- Telephone number for booking
0We do not take bookings over the phone - 01234 930505
- Other information
Dawn Until Dusk provide children with breakfast, snacks and a hot children’s lunch. We ask that parents send their children with a water bottle that can be re-filled throughout the day also. Please ensure children are dressed in comfortable clothing and shoes.