Register a death

Documents to register a death

When attending to register you will be asked questions regarding names, dates, addresses and places, which will feed into the register entry.

To help ensure the accuracy of the information recorded it would be useful if you could bring supporting documentation with you (for example passport, driving licence, utility bill, birth and marriage certificates).

Do not worry if any of these documents are not available as the registrar can still proceed to register the death.

We will ask you:

  • when and where did the death occur
  • the name and address of the deceased person
  • if the deceased was a woman who has been married, her maiden name
  • the deceased's date and place of birth
  • their occupation
  • if the deceased was married or widowed, the full name and occupation of the spouse
  • if married, the date of birth of the surviving spouse
  • if the deceased was in a civil partnership, the name, date of birth and occupation of the partner

If you have purchased certificates these will be issued to you during the appointment.

The Green form for the burial/cremation will be forwarded electronically to your funeral director.