Street cleansing, litter and road sweeping

Tell us that grass needs cutting on public land

If you are a resident, you can tell us about:

  • badly cut grass
  • damage to a road verge
  • loose grass cuttings

Tell us that grass needs cutting

Find out who's responsible for cutting your grass

We are responsible for cutting the majority of grass that is publicly owned, e.g. highway verges and amenity areas. However, there are many areas that are maintained by town and parish councils, housing associations, developers or voluntary bodies.

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In fulfilling our responsibilities as a highway authority, we are required to keep verges safe and unobstructed and this is particularly important at road junctions where clear visibility for motorists and pedestrians is necessary. We aim to cut urban grass areas 6 times per year between March and September.

In rural areas, we aim to cut 3 times per year. A number of grass verges have been designated as roadside nature reserves as they contain rare or endangered species of flora / fauna. Here, the grass cutting regime is tailored to suit.

Please note: Grass cutting schedules are generally weather dependent and can change on weather, ground conditions and on the rate of grass growth.