Our Strategic Plan 2024-27

About the Strategic Plan

Local elections in May 2023 saw the political leadership of the Council change. The new administration revised the Council's Strategic Plan to make the priorities more in keeping with those of residents. The Strategic Plan was adopted at the meeting of the full council on 18 April 2024.

The new priorities have been informed by the views of over 3,000 residents who took part in a survey and the views of councillors from across Central Bedfordshire.  

While the plan is not an attempt to list everything the Council will be proposing in the coming years, it aims to set out the principles and values, and key strategic priorities for the next period.  

The new Strategic Plan will set the direction of the Council; influencing decisions, how Council resources are allocated and the Council’s attitude to public finances. It will be monitored through regular reports to the Corporate Resources Overview and Scrutiny Committee.