Budget - full breakdown of spending

Where your Council Tax goes


Central Bedfordshire Council £1,669
Bedfordshire Police £252
Town Council £131
Bedfordshire Fire and Rescue Service £109
This table shows how we will spend £471.7m on providing services, the majority of which (£243.5m) comes from Council Tax and business rates
Service area

Amount in millions and percentage of total

Adult social services £136.3m (28.9%)
Children's services (including educational transport) £103.1m (21.9%)
Housing Benefit (Plus administration and collection of Business Rates and Council Tax) £46.4m (9.8%)
Council support services (e.g. finance, IT, building management, customer services, elections and registration services) £44.1m (9.4%)
Housing £35.8m (7.6%)
Economic growth and planning £18.1m (3.8%)
Public health (public health services funded by government grant) £18.1m (3.8%)
Transport, roads and parking (excluding educational transport) £17.4m (3.7%)
Capital financing £16.1m (3.4%)
Leisure and libraries £5.1m (1.1%)
Public protection and safety £5.0m (1.1%)
Contingency and contribution to reserves £2.1m (0.4%)
Total spend £471.7m
This table shows what a weekly bill for Central Bedfordshire Council services looks like for an average household (Band D)
Service area


Adult social services £9.27
Children's Services £7.02
Housing benefits £3.16
Council support services £3.00
Housing £2.44
Contingency and contribution to reserves £0.14
Waste and recycling £1.63
Public health £1.23
Economic growth and planning £1.23
Transport, roads and parking £1.19
Capital financing £1.10
Public protection and safety £0.34
Leisure and libraries £0.35
Total weekly costs per household £32.10